selected works
june 2024
Temporary Expedition
Studio Jesse Verdoes
dr. Heleen van Londen
in collaboration with
Waddenacademie CARE Schylge
Oerol Festival
Terschelling (NL)
Walk up, but look down. While the landscape is constantly in motion, the ground beneath is a rich historical record full of stories. Doorgronding allows you to experience the invisible landscape of a former Terschelling. Based on archaeological research into drowned villages and vanished structures, the installation offers glimpses of the world beneath your feet.
Doorgronding Terschelling - 2024
Concept, bewerking en voice-over: Melle Haak
Since 2023, archaeology students and islanders have been exploring Terschelling’s past under professional guidance as part of the participatory archaeological research project CARE Schylge. The stories they unearth inspire Sjoerd Willem Bosch and Jesse Verdoes to delve deeper into the invisible landscape and translate their findings into the Doorgronding installation in the dunes. In collaboration with Dr. Heleen van Londen and the Wadden Academy, scientific knowledge is intertwined with landscape experiences. Be stimulated to use your senses and discover how far landscapes can reach.
Images: Jesse Verdoes
Images: Jesse Verdoes
Images: Jesse Verdoes
doorgronding: the walk
Workshop Walk
dr. Heleen van Londen
Oerol Festival
Terschelling (NL)
The doorgronding installation formed a starting point and stage for other events, such as a performance by designer Sjoerd Willem Bosch, and a walk accompanied by archeogist Heleen van Londen. During the walk, a select group of visitors draw their imagined invisible landscape of Terschelling - a method that was also used in the research for this project.
Images: Jesse Verdoes
november 2023
raouw ommeland
Research Walk
Rubén Dario Kleimeer
Sijas de Groot (Tussenland)
Lieke Jildou de Jong (Landscape Collected)
collaboration with archeologists and locals
/// more information will follow ///
Model Groninger Kap
This model shows the spatial relevance of the Groninger Kap. Large farms define the scale of the landscape. Their orientation, shape, and size make each ‘Kap’ a landmark. The wooden frame construction inspires the Groninger building culture, now under pressure from subsidence and earthquake recovery efforts. The interior scale of 1:33 (3 cm equals 1 m) is combined with the landscape scale of 1:33333 (3 cm equals 1 km).
Clara Gus
october 2022
Architecture Graduation project
TU Delft Graduation project
/// more information will follow ///
august 2022
absence in precense in absence
Research Residence
in:dépendance furkapass (CH)
chair of Jan de Vylder, eth zürich (CH) For only 4 months a year the Furkapass is accessible for traffic. Human activity is absent for 8 months. However, in:dépendance is highly dependant on observation through presence. This artistic research reveals absent moments in the direct environment of the in:dépendance building. A drawing device has been composed out of found abandoned material. This device, guided by a weather vane, is drawing with diluted India ink. A horizontal axis allow the weather conditions to rotate towards the wind direction. In the intersection of absence en presence conditions like wind, rain, fog, sun and gravity can give insight in specific places which normally will be overseen. While the drawing was independently being produced, Sjoerd Willem Bosch was creating poetic notations of the specific location. A collection of 10 places show the still absence of human activity during my residence at in:dépendance. Only the ones who will slow down will get to know the very specific locations of the drawings.
© Sjoerd Willem BoschFollow: Instagram